1. We believe in one God, holy, infinitely perfect, and existing in the Trinity of unity in God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
2. We believe the Bible is the inspired work of God. We believe it is a living document through which God communicates to His people.
3. We believe all men and women are born sinful and are no longer slaves of sin after they become saints by accepting the saving gift of Jesus Christ and making Him Lord of their lives, confessing this with their mouths.
4. We believe marriage is instituted by God, and is intended to represent Christ’s relationship with His church.
5. We believe marriage is between one man and one woman, according to the Scriptures.
6. We believe God’s greatest commandments are to love Him and love others, regardless of their religious affiliation (or lack thereof), gender, age, ability/disability, sexual orientation, or other backgrounds.
7. We believe we are here to learn to love others well, and not to judge, but also to teach the truth of the Bible.
8. We believe all people are on a spiritual journey.
9. We believe judgment is reserved for God alone and Christ when He comes again.
10. We believe the Scripture teaches women are of equal value to men, and both are created in the image of God.
11. We do not ascribe fully to labels (pre-destination, complementarian, etc.) but encourage people to discover for themselves what God would have for them through the Bible and their relationship journey with Him.